WIOA 101 covers the basics of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), how it is governed, and where the money goes within California. CA Rise ESE’s can look to tap into WIOA funding through formula funding by partnering with their Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) or through discretionary grant opportunities, like the WIOA-ESE grant. ESE’s can also utilize WIOA to braid funding and maximize impact by collaboration on additional grants, referrals for services or training, and employer outreach.
*As a reminder, the ESE & Local Workforce Board Partnership Toolkit will be shared with CA RISE in January 2025 and the WIOA Employment Social Enterprise PY24-25 Grant Opportunity has an anticipated release date of January 2025.*
Workshop Description: WIOA 101 covers the basics of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), how it is governed, and where the money goes within California. CA Rise ESE’s can look to tap into WIOA funding through formula funding by partnering with their Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) or through discretionary grant opportunities, like the WIOA-ESE grant. ESE’s can also utilize WIOA to braid funding and maximize impact by collaboration on additional grants, referrals for services or training, and employer outreach.