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Employee Success Program

An Employee Success Program refers to the structured set of activities and services that employment social enterprises provide to their participant workers in order to remove barriers to employment, provide meaningful skills-building and work experience, and to ensure that workers are set up for long-term success in the labor force and lasting economic mobility.

The set of resources within the Employee Success Program section will help orient you to a) what Employee Success Programs are ,broken down by its key elements, with examples of the types of structures and activities REDF typically encounters amongst its ESE community, b) how ESEs develop a theory of change and logic models to represent the flow of activities provided and the participant worker outcomes sought, and c) a range of tactical tools, templates, and best practices related to all aspects of ensuring long-term participant worker success.

All Employee Success Resources

Showing 1 to 10 of 53 posts
25 minutes | Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Alumni Services Promising Practices

A report documenting how 15 ESEs best support participant workers after they have graduated from the ESE program.
4 minutes | Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Barrier / Needs Assessment Process Overview

A barrier / needs assessment process helps employee success program staff understand a participant worker’s barriers and needs upon entering the program and aids in tracking their progress over time.
5 minutes | Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Comparison of Barrier / Needs Assessment Tools

The table provides an overview of six different assessment tools that ESEs can consider using to understand the baseline needs of their participant workers and measure progress over time.
Business Planning, Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Continuing Education Series: Aligning Business & Employee Success for Quality Jobs

This session is designed for ESEs that offer, are building, or hoping to improve the employee success structures within their enterprise. Additionally, these leaders are considering what elements outside of a paycheck promote a greater sense of wellbeing for participants and employees.
Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Continuing Education Series: How Employment Social Enterprise Drives Economic Power

This session is designed for ESEs that offer, are building, or hoping to improve the employee success structures within their enterprise. Additionally, these leaders are considering what elements outside of a paycheck promote a greater sense of wellbeing for participants and employees.
Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Continuing Education Series: Strengthen Program Design Pt.1: Pre-Employment

During this session we will explore the initial stages of interacting with potential employees including recruiting and outreach; interviewing and hiring; and onboarding and expectation-setting. Specifically, we'll cover the concepts behind the science of scarcity and the stages of readiness for change.
Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Continuing Education Series: Strengthen Program Design Pt.2: During Employment

The focus of session 2 will be on the onboarding, employment, and performance management phase of the participant experience. You'll be prompted to draw the connections between program design, environmental modifications, and goal progression within your own programs.
Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Continuing Education Series: Strengthen Program Design Pt.3: Post-Employment

In this final session with The Hub at New Moms we look at the last part of the enterprise experience: successfully making the leap to a new job. We’ll explore the relationship between goodness-of-fit matching and Executive Skills, and we’ll reference promising and best practices for post-employment program design, including case studies and new tools.
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