Download the PY 23-24 LA:RISE Housing Guide Here.
General (Housing Search Tools, Resources, etc.)
- Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)
- LAHSA’s Coordinated Entry System
- LAHSA’s Los Angeles Homeless Outreach Portal (LA-HOP)
- 211 LA
- County of LA Department of Public Social Services
- Coalition for Economic Survival
- Family Solutions Centers (FSC)
- Housing Rights Center
- Los Angeles Housing Department
- Everyone In
- Service & Bed Availability Tool (SBAT)
Immediate (Temporary Shelters, Rapid Rehousing)
- A Bridge Home
- Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority
- Los Angeles County Homeless Outreach Portal
- People Assisting the Homeless (PATH)
- Midnight Mission
- Weingart Center
- L.A. Mission
- Share!
- Affordable Living for the Aging
- New Image Emergency Shelter
- Temporary Housing Assistance (HA)
- U.S. Vets
- Salvation Army
- Union Rescue Mission
- Downtown Women’s Center
- Volunteers of America – Los Angeles
- The People Concern
- Catholic Charities of Los Angeles
- Union Station Homeless Services
- Society of St. Vincent De Paul
- Joseph Center
- Open Arms Temporary Housing (323) 489-7571
Long-Term (Deed-Restricted, Affordable Housing, and Permanent Supportive Housing)
- Socialserve
- Share!
- Housing for Health (HFH) of the Department of Health Services (DHS)
- A Sense of Home
- County of Los Angeles (LACDA formerly known as HACoLA)
- Skid Row Housing Trust
- South Central Health & Rehabilitation Programs
- St. Joseph Center
- St. Vincent de Paul
- The Serra Project
- Testimonial Community Love Center (323) 291-6753
Veterans Housing Assistance
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Program
- Rental Assistance through the Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program (SSVF)
- Temporary Housing through multiple VA Grant Per Diem Programs (GPD)
- National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
- U.S. Vets
Housing-Related Academy Meeting Materials
The following information is being provided for reference only. Please be advised that some of the information from previous academy meetings may be outdated.
- LA County Homeless Initiative, Mayor’s Office of City’s Homeless Initiatives, and LAHSA CES & Resources
- Housing Definitions