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2 minutes | Business Planning, Growth Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise


WIOA for Employment Social Enterprises WIOA & CA ESE Partnership Guide This Partnership Guide provides ESEs with the knowledge and resources to navigate the California workforce system and leverage WIOA funding through grant opportunities or partnerships with Local Workforce Development Boards. The guide includes case studies and tools to help ESEs assess if WIOA funding […]

20 minutes | Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Trauma Informed Care Overview

While employment social enterprises are designed to be supportive, providing trauma-informed care requires a transformational shift in mindset in order to effectively adopt trauma-informed practices in a genuine and effective way. Trauma-informed care cannot be provided without first understanding the impact of trauma and the ways in which individuals experience retraumatization when receiving services.

5 minutes | Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Employee Success Program Overview

The Employee Success Program section explores how to 1) design your employee success program and understand your impact, 2) implement key aspects of the employee success program, including recruitment, onboarding, wraparound services and training, and job placement / retention, and 3) support your employee success program through developing key systems/processes, partnerships, and culture.

9 minutes | Leadership & Talent | Manage a Social Enterprise

Hiring & Recruitment Overview

Attracting and selecting the right talent is essential to building a team that aligns with your organization’s mission and values. In this overview, we’ll provide you with practical tips and best practices.

3 minutes | Business Planning, Growth Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise

SNAP E&T Overview

SNAP E&T COHORT FOUR OPEN FOR APPLICATION If your enterprise is serving individuals with barriers to work and receiving SNAP food benefits, you may be interested in becoming a SNAP E&T (SNAP Employment & Training) provider. The SNAP E&T program helps SNAP participants gain skills and find work that moves them forward to self-sufficiency. REDF will […]

5 minutes | Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Participant Worker Job Training Overview

Overall, job training supplements work experience to equip participant workers with the skills needed for long-term success in mainstream employment and life.

6 minutes | Operations | Manage a Social Enterprise

Health & Safety Policies Overview

Health and safety policies include a documented set of rules and procedures intended to protect employees from illness or injury caused by their work.

7 minutes | Operations | Manage a Social Enterprise

Data Access, Usability, and Behavior Overview

Data access, usability, and behavior includes how different types of data (e.g., financial and employee success program data) is collected and stored in technology or paper-based systems across the organization, as well as the process of cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to discover useful insights for decision-making.

10 minutes | Leadership & Talent | Manage a Social Enterprise

Compensation & Benefits Overview

A well-designed compensation and benefits program can serve as a powerful tool for attracting, motivating, and retaining talented employees.