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7 minutes | Marketing | Manage a Social Enterprise

Website Checklist

REDF has compiled a list of ideal components of a website. Take a look and check off what you already have on your website. For components that you don’t have yet, use the two last pages of this document to note what’s missing and start an implementation plan

12 minutes | Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Employee Success Program Design + Logic Model Development Tool

The purpose of this document is reflect on your employee success benefits program. This document can also support your ESE in either developing a logic model, build out an employee success benefits program, or reflect on how you might improve your employee success benefits program.

10 minutes | Business Planning, Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Partner & Customer Evaluation Tool

We’ve created a tool to help you evaluate potential, and even current, partner and customers, based on what is important to YOUR organization. This makes it easier to pursue, release, and/or keep a partner or customer to help you increase your impact!

9 minutes | Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Employee Journey Map Template

This is a template to help you reflect on and document the experience your participant workers are going through as they move through your organization. As you complete this template we want you to really think about what your participant workers think, feel, see, and hear throughout their time working at you ESE.

5 minutes | Employee Success Program, Growth Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Logic Model Templates

Logic Models are useful tools to help ESEs write out their plan for impact and how to potentially measure it!

5 minutes | Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Comparison of Barrier / Needs Assessment Tools

The table provides an overview of six different assessment tools that ESEs can consider using to understand the baseline needs of their participant workers and measure progress over time.

20 minutes | Business Planning | Manage a Social Enterprise

Example Business Plan

Review an example of a business plan to gain a perspective on the structure, format and language of an ESE business plan.

11 minutes | Business Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Lead Qualification Tool

You can use this tool to determine whether prospective customers are a good fit for the organization and how likely they are to become customers.

10 minutes | Business Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Net Promoter Score Survey & Analysis

Learn more about how to conduct a NPS survey and analysis, and see an example analysis output.

30 minutes | Business Planning, Financial Management | Manage a Social Enterprise

Double Bottom Line (DBL) Analysis – Starter Kit

Double Bottom Line (DBL) financial analysis helps us understand how financially self-sustaining each part of our ESE is. Download this resource to create and analyze your own DBL income statement.