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Business Planning Resources

Showing 31 to 40 of 41 posts
14 minutes | Business Planning, Financial Management | Manage a Social Enterprise

Introduction to Social Costs

Distinguishing social costs from ordinary business costs enables you to make more informed decisions on managing your budget and making targeted cost reductions.

3 minutes | Business Planning, Growth Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise

SNAP E&T Overview

SNAP E&T Pre-Cohort Webinar Series Open for Registration! If your enterprise is serving individuals with barriers to work and receiving SNAP food benefits, you may be interested in becoming a SNAP E&T (SNAP Employment & Training) provider. The SNAP E&T program helps SNAP participants gain skills and find work that moves them forward to self-sufficiency. REDF […]

24 minutes | Business Planning, Growth Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Venture Criteria Tool

This Venture Criteria Bank & Template Tool can be used for ESEs to generate, refine, and prioritize a set of venture criteria that will enable them to meet their business, social, and operational goals.

6 minutes | Business Planning | Manage a Social Enterprise

Value Proposition Overview

A value proposition is a clear statement that conveys a) how the product or service your social enterprise sells will meet an important and unmet customer need, and b) why these customers should buy from your business vs. a competitor. 

8 minutes | Business Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Customer Experience and Feedback Overview

Customer experience and feedback refers to formal ongoing processes to solicit customer feedback and incorporate insights into both business strategy and daily operations.

19 minutes | Business Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Selling Process Overview

Selling process refers to a series of steps taken to sell a product or service to a customer. A strong sales process is repeatable and scalable, leverages standardized tools and templates, outlines clear roles and responsibilities for sales team members, and is data driven.

11 minutes | Business Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Pricing Strategy Overview

Pricing strategy is how a business determines the ideal price of a product or service, informed by a range of factors such as business costs, competition, and customer value.

41 minutes | Business Planning, Employee Success Program, Financial Management, Growth Planning, Leadership & Talent, Marketing, Operations, Raising Capital & Fundraising | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Employment Social Enterprise Glossary

This is a helpful resource for those seeking to better understand the terminology and concepts related to Employment Social Enterprises (ESEs) and the broader field of social entrepreneurship.

12 minutes | Business Planning, Financial Management | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Cost Analysis Overview – Fixed and Variable Costs 

Fixed and variable costs refer to the categorization of business expenses depending on whether they are affected by changes in product/service quantity sold, or whether they remain constant regardless of quantity sold.

13 minutes | Business Planning | Manage a Social Enterprise

Business Plan Overview

A business plan describes a business’s overarching objectives and describes a plan for how it will achieve those objectives.