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Business Planning

An employment social enterprise is an organization that 1) derives a meaningful portion of its total budget from the sale of goods and services, and 2) purposefully hires and supports a specific population of employees as part of its mission. The Business Planning section covers the first element in depth, while the Employee Success Program section covers the second. 

The Business Planning section explores three core concepts in some depth: a) how ESEs generate earned revenue, b) how ESEs can maintain or increase profitability of business operations, and c) best practices around how ESEs can plan for the future, whether by exploring growth scenarios, business model pivots, or other actions. 

All Business Planning Resources

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24 minutes | Business Planning, Growth Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Venture Criteria Tool

This Venture Criteria Bank & Template Tool can be used for ESEs to generate, refine, and prioritize a set of venture criteria that will enable them to meet their business, social, and operational goals.
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