An employment social enterprise is an organization that 1) derives a meaningful portion of its total budget from the sale of goods and services, and 2) purposefully hires and supports a specific population of employees as part of its mission. The Business Planning section covers the first element in depth, while the Employee Success Program section covers the second.
The Business Planning section explores three core concepts in some depth: a) how ESEs generate earned revenue, b) how ESEs can maintain or increase profitability of business operations, and c) best practices around how ESEs can plan for the future, whether by exploring growth scenarios, business model pivots, or other actions.
All Business Planning Resources
10 minutes
Business Planning |
Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise
Learn more about how to conduct a NPS survey and analysis, and see an example analysis output.
10 minutes
Business Planning, Employee Success Program |
Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise
We've created a tool to help you evaluate potential, and even current, partner and customers, based on what is important to YOUR organization. This makes it easier to pursue, release, and/or keep a partner or customer to help you increase your impact!
10 minutes
Business Planning |
Manage a Social Enterprise
Develop a point of view on how your products are priced relative to competitors in the market.
2 minutes
Business Planning |
Manage a Social Enterprise
Understanding pricing power is crucial because it directly influences a company's ability to thrive and adapt in a dynamic marketplace.
11 minutes
Business Planning |
Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise
Pricing strategy is how a business determines the ideal price of a product or service, informed by a range of factors such as business costs, competition, and customer value.
9 minutes
Business Planning |
Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise
Sales channels are the methods a business uses to sell products or services to customers.
19 minutes
Business Planning |
Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise
Selling process refers to a series of steps taken to sell a product or service to a customer. A strong sales process is repeatable and scalable, leverages standardized tools and templates, outlines clear roles and responsibilities for sales team members, and is data driven.
3 minutes
Business Planning, Growth Planning |
Grow a Social Enterprise
SNAP E&T COHORT FOUR OPEN FOR APPLICATION If your enterprise is serving individuals with barriers to work and receiving SNAP food benefits, you may be interested in becoming a SNAP E&T (SNAP Employment & Training) provider. The SNAP E&T program helps SNAP participants gain skills and find work that moves them forward to self-sufficiency. REDF will […]
6 minutes
Business Planning |
Manage a Social Enterprise
Before your social enterprise can evaluate different pricing strategies for its products, it must first understand two crucial pieces of information. In this deep dive, we will learn how to 1) Understand your social enterprise’s cost structure and 2) Conduct a break-even analysis.
6 minutes
Business Planning |
Manage a Social Enterprise
A value proposition is a clear statement that conveys a) how the product or service your social enterprise sells will meet an important and unmet customer need, and b) why these customers should buy from your business vs. a competitor.