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Growing an ESE

Learn more about how to grow your ESE to new and sustainable heights!

Welcome to the pivotal stage of growing your Employment Social Enterprise (ESE), where your vision expands and the possibilities are boundless. This phase involves a strategic process of evaluating feasibility and crafting a comprehensive strategy for pursuing new avenues of expansion, each holding the potential to amplify your social impact.

Growing an ESE isn’t just about scaling up; it’s about making well-informed choices that align with your mission and values. These choices may include exploring new business lines, launching innovative products, diversifying your sales channels, establishing partnerships with government agencies, or expanding your reach into new geographical areas.

A thoughtfully developed growth plan is your compass in this journey. It empowers you to allocate your limited resources optimally, ensuring they are directed toward the most promising initiatives. It also equips you to analyze growth options from various angles, considering social, financial, operational, and organizational aspects. Importantly, it enables you to effectively communicate the rationale behind your growth decisions to key stakeholders, including your dedicated employees, board members, and valued funders.

In this section of our website, our comprehensive resources will equip you with the knowledge and tools to assess the requirements for your growth journey, from personnel and equipment to facilities, all while carefully considering the potential impact on your current operations.We understand that growth can be both exhilarating and challenging, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Welcome to the world of expanding possibilities and deepening impact. Your journey to grow your Employment Social Enterprise is not just about doing more; it’s about doing more with purpose. Together, we’ll continue to shape a brighter future for your organization and the communities it serves. Get ready to embark on this exciting adventure of growth and positive change.

Resources For Your Journey

Showing 31 to 40 of 79 posts
12 minutes | Business Planning, Financial Management | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Cost Analysis Overview – Fixed and Variable Costs 

Fixed and variable costs refer to the categorization of business expenses depending on whether they are affected by changes in product/service quantity sold, or whether they remain constant regardless of quantity sold.
15 minutes | Operations | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

CRM Software Analysis

This presentation provides a user-friendly summary of research conducted on different types of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software available on the market.
8 minutes | Business Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Customer Experience and Feedback Overview

Customer experience and feedback refers to formal ongoing processes to solicit customer feedback and incorporate insights into both business strategy and daily operations.
10 minutes | Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Effective Employee Retention Strategies

This deep dive summarizes some key research and strategies on employee retention originally shared by Richard Hendra from MDRC.
Business Planning, Growth Planning, Leadership & Talent, Operations | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Election Resources: 2024

Elections can significantly impact our work and the issues we are passionate about at both REDF and the ESE field.  To help shape and navigate the outcome, here are resources to support your ESE and staff during the election season.
9 minutes | Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Employee Journey Map Template

This is a template to help you reflect on and document the experience your participant workers are going through as they move through your organization. As you complete this template we want you to really think about what your participant workers think, feel, see, and hear throughout their time working at you ESE.
3 minutes | Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Employee Retention Deep Dive

Service providers and program managers want to see their participants thrive on their employment pathway and record positive impact metrics on the effectiveness of their program. Social Enterprises can approach this phase in two primary ways: tracking and continued services.
12 minutes | Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Employee Success Program Design + Logic Model Development Tool

The purpose of this document is reflect on your employee success benefits program. This document can also support your ESE in either developing a logic model, build out an employee success benefits program, or reflect on how you might improve your employee success benefits program.
41 minutes | Business Planning, Employee Success Program, Financial Management, Growth Planning, Leadership & Talent, Marketing, Operations, Raising Capital & Fundraising | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Employment Social Enterprise Glossary

This is a helpful resource for those seeking to better understand the terminology and concepts related to Employment Social Enterprises (ESEs) and the broader field of social entrepreneurship.
8 minutes | Raising Capital & Fundraising | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Event Fundraising Overview

The strategic purpose of event fundraising is to activate generosity through curated experiences.
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