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Business Planning Resources

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2 minutes | Business Planning, Growth Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise


WIOA for Employment Social Enterprises WIOA & CA ESE Partnership Guide This Partnership Guide provides ESEs with the knowledge and resources to navigate the California workforce system and leverage WIOA funding through grant opportunities or partnerships with Local Workforce Development Boards. The guide includes case studies and tools to help ESEs assess if WIOA funding […]

Business Planning, Growth Planning, Leadership & Talent, Operations | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Election Resources: 2024

Elections can significantly impact our work and the issues we are passionate about at both REDF and the ESE field.  To help shape and navigate the outcome, here are resources to support your ESE and staff during the election season.

Business Planning | Manage a Social Enterprise

Continuing Education Series: Learning From Our Customers with Strong Feedback Loops

A primary focus of this session will be experimentation, so be ready to roll up your sleeves, make some mistakes, and try something new. 

This session is designed for anyone that is interested in strengthening the ability of their enterprise to increase sales through a better understanding of their customers.

Business Planning, Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Continuing Education Series: Aligning Business & Employee Success for Quality Jobs

This session is designed for ESEs that offer, are building, or hoping to improve the employee success structures within their enterprise. Additionally, these leaders are considering what elements outside of a paycheck promote a greater sense of wellbeing for participants and employees.

Business Planning, Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Continuing Education Series: The ESE Design Canvas: Building a More Cohesive Model

This session is designed for ESEs that have relative confidence in the effectiveness of their business and employee success models, while also wondering how they can better integrate the two pieces and communicate their organizational model in a holistic way.

Business Planning, Growth Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise

Continuing Education Series: Growth Across Geographies, Scaling to New Locations

We are excited for an an encore presentation with Dan Rhoton from Hopeworks, who will revisit and expand upon his insightful workshop on ESE expansion to a new location. We will discuss venture criteria, decision-making processes, operational planning and support into new markets, and culture across sites.

Business Planning, Growth Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Continuing Education Series: Pricing Strategy

Interested in learning how to drive growth for your organization? Join Simon-Kucher, the world’s leading pricing and growth specialist, as they provide an overview of pricing basics, why it should be a forefront topic, and when you should conduct a project. Juma also joined for r a live case study on their engagement with Simon-Kucher and the impact that was unlocked.

Business Planning, Growth Planning | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Continuing Education Series: Customer Segmentation & Value Proposition

You will learn about the importance of customer segmentation and the 3 different categories of value proposition. You will even have a chance to draft your own value proposition for a core customer group. Together, we will then identify the most important customer assumptions to test, which is a foundation for the later courses on promotions, sales channels, and pricing.