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This session was part of the 2022-2023 Plan for Growth 101 CE Series
Get a refresh on (or an introduction to) using the business model canvas to envision a future-state business and then testing the critical assumptions that underpin your ability to achieve that future state. The session will focus on:
- Filling in a business model canvas and identifying the most critical underlying assumptions.
- Exploring the concept of lean experimentation as an efficient way to strengthen the business model and introducing the process of designing a customer experiment.
How We’ll Spend Our Time: We will practice forming assumptions to consider new ideas and changes to a business and program.
Good to know: This content is also offered in the REDF Accelerator so recent Accelerator alum with a current Business Model Canvas may want to skip this session. However, it can also be a chance to create a business model canvas for a second business line or to have another member of your leadership attend, to increase your internal customer experimentation capacity.
Audience: This session is designed for CEOs Executive Directors, and/or Enterprise Directors and Managers with at least partial responsibility for business decisions.
Below is the session recording and accompanying materials
Continuing Education Series: Plan for Growth 101
Check out the next session in the series focusing on the importance of customer segmentation and the 3 different categories of value proposition
Check out the next session in the series focusing on the pricing basics and how it can lead to unlocking long-term sustainable growth!
Check out the next session in the series to help you refine your fundraising plan by guiding you through the process of defining your top two contributed revenue streams
Check out the next session in the series to learn more about managing your sales funnel when you may be working across multiple sales channels including selling through third-parties like Amazon, grocery stores, and other physical- or online-locations
Check out the next session in the series to learn more about the B2B sales process and share guidance for managing your sales funnel when building personal relationships and identifying mutual fit is critical to moving potential customers through your funnel to a closed deal