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This session was part of the 2022-2023 Plan for Growth 101 CE Series

This workshop, presented by Hillary Frances of SEED Fundraisers, will help you refine your fundraising plan by guiding you through the process of defining your top two contributed revenue streams. Fully operationalizing one to two fundraising strategies will have a bigger return than maintaining three to five strategies at a mediocre level. The activity you say “no” to can only strengthen you. 

This session is designed to equip you to evaluate the viability of each strategy as if you were your own consultant: grants, major gifts, corporate sponsorships, events, and annual giving. You will consider each strategy through a matrix that ranks: sustainability, return on investment, return horizon, scalability, and needed infrastructure. Together we will discuss how to create: 

  • compelling messaging, 
  • prioritize development infrastructure, and 
  • build rhythms and habits for effective daily practice. 

Audience: This session is designed for Development Directors, Fundraising staff, CEOs Executive Directors, and/or Enterprise Directors/Managers with at least partial responsibility for business decisions. 

Below is the session recording and accompanying materials

About Seed

Seed is a community of professional fundraisers and nonprofit leaders who strengthen and scale culture-building institutions in the social sector. Seed’s consulting team has supported REDF’s portfolio since 2019.