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This session was part of the 2022-2023 Plan for Growth 101 CE Series

This session begins with an introduction to the marketing funnel as a framework for building your customer pipeline and managing towards sales goals.   

Together, we will dig into

  • The B2B sales process and share guidance for managing your sales funnel when building personal relationships and identifying mutual fit is critical to moving potential customers through your funnel to a closed deal.
  • The unique challenges and opportunities of selling and marketing your product when your product is your people; for example, alternative staffing enterprises and service businesses.
  • The notion that: Strategic alignment between sales and recruiting is key.

Guest presenters for this session are Keith Sommer of Goodwill Staffing Group in Austin, TX and Joe Mutuc of Cara Collective in Chicago, IL.

Audience: This session is designed for CEOs Executive Directors, and/or Enterprise Directors and Managers with at least partial responsibility for business decisions. 

Below is the session recording and accompanying materials