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Employee Success Program

An Employee Success Program refers to the structured set of activities and services that employment social enterprises provide to their participant workers in order to remove barriers to employment, provide meaningful skills-building and work experience, and to ensure that workers are set up for long-term success in the labor force and lasting economic mobility.

The set of resources within the Employee Success Program section will help orient you to a) what Employee Success Programs are ,broken down by its key elements, with examples of the types of structures and activities REDF typically encounters amongst its ESE community, b) how ESEs develop a theory of change and logic models to represent the flow of activities provided and the participant worker outcomes sought, and c) a range of tactical tools, templates, and best practices related to all aspects of ensuring long-term participant worker success.

All Employee Success Resources

Showing 21 to 30 of 56 posts
3 minutes | Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Culture of Transition Overview

A culture of transition refers to the ethos of an employment social enterprise that encourages and supports the transitional nature of participant workers’ job experience.  
7 minutes | Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Designing an Employee Supports Program: Goals and Strategies

Building an effective employee supports program for your social enterprise is an essential component of delivering the supports and services that help workers secure, succeed, and advance in employment and get on the pathway to self-sufficiency. Designing an employee supports program is a multi-phase process. In this deep dive, we will cover the first two steps of the process
10 minutes | Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Effective Employee Retention Strategies

This deep dive summarizes some key research and strategies on employee retention originally shared by Richard Hendra from MDRC.
9 minutes | Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Employee Journey Map Template

This is a template to help you reflect on and document the experience your participant workers are going through as they move through your organization. As you complete this template we want you to really think about what your participant workers think, feel, see, and hear throughout their time working at you ESE.
3 minutes | Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Employee Retention Deep Dive

Service providers and program managers want to see their participants thrive on their employment pathway and record positive impact metrics on the effectiveness of their program. Social Enterprises can approach this phase in two primary ways: tracking and continued services.
12 minutes | Employee Success Program | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Employee Success Program Design + Logic Model Development Tool

The purpose of this document is reflect on your employee success benefits program. This document can also support your ESE in either developing a logic model, build out an employee success benefits program, or reflect on how you might improve your employee success benefits program.
5 minutes | Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Employee Success Program Overview

The Employee Success Program section explores how to 1) design your employee success program and understand your impact, 2) implement key aspects of the employee success program, including recruitment, onboarding, wraparound services and training, and job placement / retention, and 3) support your employee success program through developing key systems/processes, partnerships, and culture.
4 minutes | Employee Success Program | Manage a Social Enterprise

Employee Success Wraparound Services Overview

Employee success wraparound services are resources that help participant workers secure, succeed and advance in employment. 
41 minutes | Business Planning, Employee Success Program, Financial Management, Growth Planning, Leadership & Talent, Marketing, Operations, Raising Capital & Fundraising | Grow a Social Enterprise, Manage a Social Enterprise

Employment Social Enterprise Glossary

This is a helpful resource for those seeking to better understand the terminology and concepts related to Employment Social Enterprises (ESEs) and the broader field of social entrepreneurship.