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EMT Optimize: Work with a cohort of peers, with expert support, to walk through ways to improve your ESE’s existing programming for paid participant workers. Examples of what you’ll learn, discuss, and takeaway, are: How to tailor programs to the focus population; creating a logic model to guide your program and align staff; strengthen employment partnerships; and improving data tracking tools.

Best for ESEs who want: Tools and support to improve their existing program and supports for participant workers.

Session 3
Session 3: Virtual
Session 3a: Optional Coaching
Below is the session recording of Economic Mobility Optimize – Track Session 3: Participant Worker Experience
Session 2
Session 2: Virtual
Session 2a: Optional Coaching
Below is the session recording of Economic Mobility Optimize – Track Session 2: Developing and Improving your Logic Model
Session 1
Session 1: Sacramento In-Person
Session 1a: Optional Coaching
Cohort Directory